Dog Anti-Barking Devices: A Safe Way to Control Unwanted Behaviour

 Just like we human beings understand each other through talking, the only way dogs can express themselves and communicate with others is through barking. They may bark when wanting to communicate with other dogs, when calling out their owner and when wanting to communicate with other human beings as well. They can even bark to any noise they hear, like for example on opening or closing a door/window, on rustling leaves and so on. Unfortunately, there are cases when dogs can bark excessively, and this usually indicates an underlying issue.

Some of the most common reasons for excessive barking can be boredom, fear, anxiety when left alone, territorial behaviour or seeking attention from its owners. The first thing you can do to reduce the barking is to spend more time with your dog, play with it and reward it something when needed. However, if none of these things work, you can always use the help of dog anti-barking devices.

At first, these devices were invented as a training tool for hunting dogs, but nowadays, some states allow them to be used for training domestic dogs as well. There are several types of anti-barking devices, so before buying your very own dog silencer, its best to take into account all of the available options.

Types of Anti-Barking Devices

Ultrasonic Sound Anti Barking Devices

As the name implies, these devices are designed to deter the excessive barking of your dog by emitting ultrasound at a very high pitch which we, human beings cannot detect. This sound is very irritating to dogs, so your dog would be no exception. Generally speaking, a high-quality dog silencer has audio sensors that can detect when your dog is barking. Once barking has been detected, the device emits an ultrasonic sound to show the dog that excessive barking is not good at all. In other words, a device like this is designed to surprise the dog with the sound and making it stop barking. If at first, your dog resists to stopping, the pitch levels of the sound will only increase until your dog stops barking.

Now, if this is a common thing and your dog doesn’t respond to the set ultrasonic sound, the higher the pitch the higher the chances that your dog could get harmed. However, this is not a common thing, and it seems that dogs really react to this basic ultrasonic sound and have an improvement in their behaviour. Another good thing about this device is that it can serve as a training tool. Thanks to your dog silencer, you can teach your dog not to scratch on the furniture, doors, not to jump up while inside your home, etc.

Anti-Bark Shock Collar

Unlike the ultrasonic devices, the shock collars use a small electric current to make your dog stop barking. Although a small electric current is used, your dog won’t get hurt. These collars usually use sensors or microphones to detect your dogs barking. Now, the trickiest thing about these collars is when having more than one dog and all of them wear shocking collars. So, if you want to teach only one dog a lesson, you could risk shocking the other dog since its collar can detect the same signal. There are lots of shocking collars available on the market, so when choosing one make sure to pick one that has several levels of stimulation and several modes of learning.

Citronella Spray Collar

As you can imagine, this collar contains citronella smell which dogs hate. So, whenever your dog starts barking, you can just put its collar and let it do its job. There are also some collars that can emit citronella smell every time your dog starts barking. Ones the smell disappears you can spray on it again. Or, you can simply buy a citronella spray and use it near your dog when needed in order to stop its behaviour.

Things to Have in Mind

As we already said, the anti-barking devices are a safe way to control any unwanted behaviour in your dog. However, you should keep in mind that you can only use a deterrent when your dog barks excessively and not every time it barks. By doing this you are risking of traumatizing your dog. For instance, if your dog has separation anxiety, leaving him at home alone with an anti-barking collar will only make things worse. So, before making a decision for buying the first anti barking device that crosses your path, you should consult with your vet first. He/she will help you identify why your dog is barking and might suggest some alternatives before buying an anti dog barking device.

For instance, the thing that has proven as the most effective in stopping barking from boredom is exercising. So, make sure you have enough time to take your dog on longer walks on a regular basis, to use a dog ball launcher or even buy a dog treadmill. This will help your dog to stay occupied without the need to bark or do some other things of boredom like chewing the furniture or running away. Or, you can simply ignore your dog. This technique is also popular but its main downside is that it might take some time for your dog to realise that barking won’t get your attention.


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