Helpful Tricks to Get Your Cat to Use a Cat Access Door

 No matter how many stimulating cat toys  and climbing surfaces you provide your cat with, he will still crave a walk on the wild side. And if you allow your cat to go outside sometimes, constantly playing doorman to a cat that likes to come and go quickly can be quite tiresome. Installing a cat access door to your household can be the solution to allow your cat to venture outside and easily get back indoors. 

While many cats and kittens take readily to a cat flap, others may be more cautious. Here are some tips and tricks you can use to help your cat use the cat door more freely. 

Let Your Cat Familiarise With the Access Door Naturally

So, you got the cat flap installed. Now how do you get your feline to go through it? Chances are your cat probably already know there is something new around and might even have figure out that it is possible to go outside though it while you were installing it. Cats are clever figures that don't miss a thing, you can be sure of that! However, cats are quite suspicious when there are new things in their environment, so you need to treat it carefully! To get started, calmly show your cat how the new cat access door works and why it is there. Do that several times in a row so that it sticks to your cat's mind more easily. 

Give Your Cat Enough Time To Get Used To It

Don't overwhelm your cat or force him to do things that he doesn't want to. Instead, get your pet get used to the new cat flap slowly - step by step. If your cat approaches the cat flap cautiously, try not to make loud noises or frantic movements - this could cause your cat to take off into the distance and you'll have a hard time getting him to go near the cat flap again. And keep in mind that cats are different from one other. Some are daredevils and will bravely slip through the cat flap on the first day, while others might need a bit longer. Proceed carefully and don't push your cat!

Start Training as Soon as Possible

Just as it's easier to teach younger kittens, it is best to start familiarizing your kitten with the cat flap right away. In the beginning, you should accompany your cat outside without fail until he gets his bearings and can find his way home on his own. You shouldn't allow your cat to go out alone until he's at least 6 months old. The most important thing is not to put your cat under pressure. Instead, take a systematic approach with caution - just get your cat used to cat flap little by little. 

Try Attaching "Cat Herbs" to the Cat Flip

Cats tend to feel enticed by the scent of certain herbs including catnip, cat thyme, clary save and valerian. These herbs are called "cat herbs" for a simple reason - cats really love the scent of these herbs. These herbs are available as an essence or as drops that you can easily place on cat toys or a little piece of fabric. You can use assented toys or hugs to help sleep up the flap training. 

Tempting Though the Cat Flap With Treats

Once the cat flap is installed, training cat gets started. First, hold the cat door open so that your feline can see all the way through it and can see what's in front of and behind the flap (unfamiliar things not only make us feel uncertain but also our cats). Once this step is completed, go to the outside of the flap. That your cat's beloved toy with you and use it to attract your cat from the outside. If this fails, try to allure your cat with a fragrant snack. You know your cat best, and for which treats he have a weakness. 

Get your Cat Used to the Cat Flap in Spring or Summer

It is preferable to cat flap train your feline in the warmer seasons. Here's one reason for that: if you try in autumn or winter, a lot of cold air will come into the living space when you keep the cat flat open for the first training. Second, in spring and summer, your feline will come back in cleaner. When the weather outside is less than ideal, your cat will reappear in your kitchen a little messy. Third, cats like when the weather is cosy and warm. In winter, trying to get your cat out of the warmth will be no easy task. To make things easier, wait until spring. 

Let Your Cat Be Shown by Another Cat

Having another cat in the household to demonstrate how the cat flap works would be ideally. Still, this is not a guarantee of success. While some cats slip through it like it's nothing, a reserved cat may prefer to observe from a distance and yawn. Note that no two cats are alike - each has its own character and unmistakable temperament. Observe your cat closely to find out what he likes and doesn't like. Are there certain behavioural patterns and preferences that are unique to your cat? If get to find out what makes your cat tick and engage with it, you will be halfway there. 

Try a Transparent Cat Flap

With a transparent cat flap cats generally learn how to use it more quickly as they can see what is behind the flap straight away. These cat flaps take away the fear of the unknown, making nervous cats feel a bit braver.  Transparent cat flaps are available in plexiglass or safety glass.


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